They need more than just a high school diploma.” One important answer to this question is more opportunity. As opposed to generations of the past, high school graduates today are unable to obtain the number of high-paying jobs that were once available” (Jeff McGuire). This quote comes from an article showing all the benefits of a college education. Today, young adults with a high school diploma don’t have very many options for high-paying careers. If a high school athlete were to go to the pros and get cut after a few seasons what would he do?
Receiving a high school diploma may not always mean hard work and dedication on behave of the student who receives it. Sherry states, “Tens of thousands of 18-year-olds will graduate this year and be handed meaningless diplomas. These diplomas won’t look any different from those awarded their luckier classmates.” Students who do not wish to devote time and effort into to their high education can simply just do enough work to get by and others may even choose to not try at all and yet still manage to graduate. Students will stop with these choices once they become aware that flunking will be their fate if they do not change their habits very quickly. They will feel the pressure and possibility of not graduating, which will have a great impact on them.
Bearing in mind that this is the 21st century, there is nothing as important as education. The educational requirements in any field of employment require that a person’s level of education be rather high. Therefore, it is important that all the people in my community access high levels of education so that they can be able to cope with the changing world and in turn, cause my community to experience sustainable development. I have observed that youths from minority groups largely drop out of school before graduation and this has led to low graduation rates in our school districts. The low graduation rate is not good for my community because it will lead to increase in the degree of unemployment and this may trigger the rate of crime.
He believes not everyone should go to college to pursue a major just because they want to make a lot of money. Murray states something that it is true, ‘Young people with okay-but-not-great academic ability who are thinking about whether to go after a B.A. need to consider the competition they will face after they graduate.’(Murray,2008). If all people want to get into the business, finance, and/or management world once graduated they might have a rough time. There are certain skills needed to be successful, even when giving orders to other people.
The passage of the “Pick the Public’s Pocket No More” bill would lower college application rates, lower college graduation rates, and lower our country’s number of new college graduates for open positions in the work force. Without grants, many Americans would not be able to pursue college degrees because of the debt they would acquire financing their degree with loans alone. Federal grants allow young adults, who are the future of our country, to pursue a college degree without the full burden of college debts after graduation. (M) When considering whether or not to pursue a degree, many are persuaded to apply because they often receive grants to assist
Not a lot of people are aware of it. When in reality we should be concerned because these students are our future. One need more than a high school diploma to be independent and successful now more than ever a higher level of education is very important now-a-days to be financially stable with out struggling. There should be more help even if it’s a minority group in our society that we don’t put as much as attention as we should. We need to help this students finish their dream without
Without a scholarship, he would not be able to go to Barnard school. He focuses on the point that his friend E.G. will attend John Hopkins University this fall with a complicated situation. E.G. has received some scholarship money but his major problem is coming up with the money $30,875 the balance for the school year.
However, getting a college education is beyond worthwhile. With a college degree one is ensured in receiving a satisfying job, a higher income, and overall a better life. Many people around the U.S., mostly those with no higher than a high school education, complain over their current job because it is not to their liking. People enjoy working in jobs that
Good paying salary is something that was important me. Being a role model to my kids was another really big factor with returning to school. I really struggled with wanting to go back to school. When I really took time and looked at the way the job market is and the way that they economy was falling. I knew that the only way to be successful
Once a 18-19 year old gets their high school diploma they may believe the “ worst years are behind us” phrase but this is false. There will be struggles and your parent will not be there to help you succeed A college student must succeed in getting a job, doing well, making money there and paying for their gas, food, laundry, and books for school. The typical college student must earn scholarships just to get college, if not they’re in a bind. A college degree is not a passage to success. Sometimes the person without the college degree ends up with the less disastrous life; just because one is successful in one area of life success can still result in disaster in another.