Why France Is Not to Blame for the Start of World War 1

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Why France is Not to Blame By: Adam Davis There are many things that led to the start of World War I. The assignation of Austro-Hungarian Archduke Sarajevo by a Serbian Terrorist is one very important factor. The purpose of this essay is to convince you that the start of World War I is none of France’s fault. The first piece of evidence is out of the Franco-Russian Alliance. The second fact we will look at is who attacked who first. The final fact is what key fact that France believed about the war. The first thing that we need to consider is the Franco-Russian Alliance. The alliance was animated by the common desire to preserve peace having no other objective than to meet the necessities of a defensive war. If any of the triple alliance attacks either Russia or France, the other will send aid. Russia and France made this treaty because the triple alliance was too powerful to take them on individually. The whole thing went downhill when Russia not France began mobilizing their troops. When Russia began mobilizing, the Germans Callics of the Austro-Hungarian empire decided to declare war on both Russia and its ally France. Even after the Germans declared war, France did not wish to engage in war. In 1114 the Germans cut through neutral Belgium on the way to attack France. Eventually Germany made it through the boarder of France, and that’s when it all went down. The British joined the allies after went through and killed the Belgiums. Finally, France did not want to go to war at all. France, like America, wanted to keep the peace. They wanted to keep their involvement in the war strictly defensive. They were pulled into war because the Russians violated the Franco-Russian Treaty. France did not want any country to shed blood, but when Germany attacked France, France followed the Franco-Russian Treaty to the letter and defended France.
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