Some teachers have a strict no cell phone policy. There are many reasons for this; one of them is teachers believe that cell phones are a major distraction during class. They believe there is a time for technology and while they are lecturing is not one of those times. Another con is not all students can afford a cell phone. It would be unfair for teachers to use cell phones most of the time because not all students have that ability.
Dear Steve Hanson: I acknowledge that you have asked the school board to permit cell phone use by students during lunch,studyhall,and before school. As a student _______, I disagree with the use of cell phones during the school day at all.I reject this proposal for many reasons.This is due to the fact of the non-beneficial use,the effect they have on social skills,and the increase in cyber bullying they could cause. Cell phones could be used during school in non - beneficial ways.For example, excessive texting during school would not benefit the students academically.Students playing games, could take their focus off of school work, and what they recently learned.Social media could be used and engage students in things happening outside of school.Texting,games,and social media do not benefit students during school. Cell phones could cause a social problem. They are anti-social electronics.Students will sit around on their phones and not cominicate with the people around them.If students are always on their phones, they would not be as good at communicating with others.Social skills are an important aspect of life.Being social at school is important for friendships and life skills in general.
Leeban Ali March 28, 2012 As a student who attends high school I believe that cell phones should not be allowed during school hours! Also most of the students have it out and texting during class. Cell phones are becoming more and more of a disruption to the learning progress of students. This will have major affect on them in the long run because when it comes to tests and exams they won’t know what to do. People say that students can use their phones for emergencies at school but they can just make a phone call in the office.
Teachers do not get mad about cell phones in class because they are mean, or don’t want students to socialize, but they do it for students benefit. They are trying to prepare students for the future and the lives we will go on to live after high school. If we don’t learn what we are supposed to during our high school years we will not be prepared for the advanced knowledge college or university offers us. After high school no one is going to tell us we aren’t allowed to use phones in class, but it is out loss if we don’t learn what we are supposed to. Teachers are only trying to prepare us for the real world.
The generation gap is the basis for the video “Growing up Online.” In this video children and adults were asked to give their opinions about the internet. Most adults specifically parents feared for the safety of their children from internet predators and cyberbullies. The children weren’t as concerned about that kind of stuff though, in fact they felt as if the internet was a wonderful use for school and socializing. The producers noticed something, that maybe the parents and the children felt but, didn’t realize. They noticed something called a generation gap.
And strict regulations need to be put on teachers, as well, so the devices are not misused. I also don't think teachers should have access to their cell phones at all, during the day. • I do not believe that schools should allow mobile devices to be used as educational devices, since they can also be used as a distraction. I believe that allowing mobile devices to be used in school is just succumbing to pressure from the students themselves. Since mobile devices are primarily used for socializing and entertainment, I think trying to integrate them into educational lessons would only be opening a Pandora's Box.
Cell phones are forbidden in high school, but in college you can talk on your cell phone between classes and occasionally you will find a teacher who allows you to use them in the classroom. High school teachers view students as children and therefore teach them as children while college professors look at students as adults, and as adults we have to be more responsible. As far as who is responsible for the work or making sure it gets completed, in high school the teachers have a tendency to be
Students would have a less chance of getting hurt or committing murderous acts. Second, uniforms eliminate competition. Students need to learn that school is not a fashion show. I know it's fun to go shopping for the latest trends but school is a learning environment. We should be there to learn, not check out who is wearing what.
Journal. Even though schools allow cell phones on grounds they aren’t allowed in the classroom. Some schools are concerned that this will result in cheating and cyber-bulling. Some great advantages of cell phone usage in schools are for learning purposes. If schools don’t have enough calculators or computers, students can use their cell phones as a tool to go on an educational website.
As well as “The making new friends” challenge. I mean why bother making new friends if you are going to lose them each year? But in the other hand, you should expect (and accept) the diversity of people. What to expect from college is not really something to specific. For example, many of us weren’t really use to studying during high school, mainly because it was so unchallenging.