Why Do Women Become Smart Essay

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Women Can Become Smart and Disciplined Investors Over a period of years, we have seen several women excel in the financial sector; however, the number of females in the stock trading has been abysmally low. Colloquially, women are referred as the Home Ministers, suggesting their important contribution in running the household matters, but now it is high time their strength in the finance sector is revealed. On this Women's Day this article is dedicated to these Home Ministers. Despite the fact that while managing the household, they have been making contributing in preparing and implementing the budget of the family, their knowledge and say in the investment related issues has been low. It should be increased, considering the challenges like inflation, future…show more content…
Expectations that the son or sons will take their care in future can prove to be disastrous, looking at the cases happening in the society. Thus, women need to save and invest money wisely, if they want to remain self-reliant even in the old-age. Eight financial tips for women 1) Make entries of daily expenses into a diary. It will automatically lead to savings. 2) Inculcate the habit of saving among the kids. They learn by observing their parents 3) Prepare a concrete budget of the family which can help in avoiding unnecessary expenses. 4) Prioritize expenses and note down financial goals, like meeting expenses for marriage or education of a child or provision for expenses for illnesses, retirement, etc. 5) An investment as low as Rs. 100 can be made every month. It can be increased as and when opportunity arises. 6) Try to get knowledge about stock market from media, like newspapers, news channels and websites. Stock market is ideal for systematic investors. Stay away from speculative activities in the stock market. 7) Do not get lured by promises of higher returns. This can prove to be
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