Why Do People Need Music? International Music and Traditional Music?

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Why do people need music? International music and Traditional music? There are many different types of music in the world today. Why do we need music? Is the traditional music of a country more important than the International music that is heard everywhere nowadays? Throughout the history, music has been being an essential part of human's life. People can hear music everywhere, especially the international music. Although the international music has been popular, traditional music still plays an important role in our lives. In my opinion, both traditional music and international music are important and they have brought to our lives their own benefits. Music has been heard for a long time, since the first instrument was invented from the rock. Music has brought fun to people from the sunrise of humankind. Listening to music helps us relax and reduce stress after a hard working day. It is a wonderful feeling when come back home from work, lay my back on the sofa and enjoy my favourite songs with some drink. Furthermore, music makes people closer when listen together, share their feelings and enjoy the songs. There are many different types of music that people would like to listen such as pop, rock, jazz, R&B, etc.. Globalization and the development of the internet allow people to enjoy music from many countries around the world. Moreover, the international music is not only enjoy by people, but also it indicates an aspect of the culture of the country which the singer or the song belongs to. In addition, listening to music makes people around the world closer. For example, when we listen to the songs "Heal the world" or "We are the world" sung by "King of the pop" Michael Jackson, we feel that there is no boundary between us though we come from many different countries. On the other hand, traditional music remains an important role in our lives,

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