Why Do Laws Exist

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Not counting the fact that text messaging something as potentially devastating as ”I divorce you” is very impersonal, cruel and cowardice; I think it should not be legal simply because of the possibility for someone to use someone else’s phone and divorce that persons spouse without their knowledge. It may be done as a joke or maybe even by a child angry at his or her parents for revenge. Of course, the person receiving the message should be required to confirm the divorce but there are some issues like time, confusion and anger that may delay that action. Or the person receiving the message may agree and begin to move on with their lives. There is also the question of morality. If test messaging a divorce were legal in the U.S. an individual could have multiple spouses and just divorce them when it becomes inconvenient or because they may get caught breaking the law. With written documents signed by the author at least the content can be verified. Verbalizing your intent also makes intentions more clear. Why do laws exist? What happens if someone violates the law? What if the law is not fair or just? Who makes the law? Laws exist to form a moral and ethical guide line for the citizens of the country. Laws help us keep good order and disciple in our society. The law provides consequences for our action and decisions. If someone violates the law they should be subject to the punishment that fit the crime. There are some cases where the circumstances may leave the outcome up subject to interpretation. The law may not be fair in cases where a person’s rights or freedoms are violated and someone defending their rights breaks the law. An example would be self-defense or protecting your property. There are also cases, like rape or murder, where the accused gets a light sentence or no punishment at all. In some of these cases, I believe the evidence should be

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