Why Do Businesses Fail?

567 Words3 Pages
Why Do Businesses Fail ? The most important thing any business should get motivated to is the ability to make profits. If the business is not directed to reaching that goal, it heads to fail. If the business is directed to make that move, it should concentrate on the things that make it raise profits. Every successful business has goals, vision, mission and strategies to drive it to the goals and achievements. If the business changes its organization culture, it will finally fail to acclimatize to the new culture and fail. Abandoning the set plan to help the company achieve its goals is the surest way to make the company fail because the plan has the conventions that drive the business. In the plan, many factors are considered from the top management to the subordinates. The employees are the instrument that help the business achieve its goals. If they are not respected, they will be not motivated and stop being assertive to work for the achievement of the company. Lack of team work in the business means that there is disintegration and people are not focused in achieving one goal. Most of the companies stagnate because the feel contented about their position sand fail to work harder and fail to expand their clientele. This results to unachieved goals in the business. If the leaders do not delegate duties, they get overwhelmed by work and this slows the speed of achieving the goals in the company hence the failure of the business. Authoritative leadership with not delegation only overworks the head and leads to the employees becoming negatives about the management. This slows the rate of achievement hence a failed business. High turnover of workers is an indication that they are not contented with the company management. They resign and, the business trains other workers. Before the new employees understand the rule of the company, there

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