Why Did America Fight Vietnam Essay

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To stop the spread of communism in Southeast Asia, the United States use its military to support Vietnam. The French ruled most of Indochina, including Vietnam, from the late 1800s until World War 11. French rulers restricted freedom of speech and jailed many Vietnamese nationalists. Others fled to China and began an organization under Ho Chi Minh. He formed the Vietminh, trying to win Vietnam's independence. France, however did not want to release its grasp on Vietnam. French troops moved back into Vietnam and eventually controlled the cities of it's southern half. At this time the United States was at France's aid. During a conference meeting Eisenhower explained his domino theory. In which all the countries on the brink of communism were dominos in a line, if you push the first one over the rest will surly fall fairly quickly. Even with the U.S. By its side the French were unable to retake Vietnam, they were overran at Dien Bien Phu. The country of Vietnam was split into two, the people who believed communism and the ones who did not. The Geneva Accords was a temporary divide of the north and south until the election of Ho Chi Minh or Ngo Dinh Diem. Although the United States hadn't declared war on Vietnam, they were posted out in the Gulf of Tonkin and were…show more content…
Nixon started pulling troops out of the war to make South Vietnam take on a more active combat. Americans learned about a shocking event that took place in My Lai. Calley Jr. commanded that U.S. soldiers were to look for Vietcong and to "kill any thing that breathed." Disaster struck hardest at Kent State University as students set a building on fire as protest. After years of fighting, the North finally set a full invasion of the South. The South begged for America's help, but the U.S. only sent economic aid and refused to send troops. 58,000 Americans were killed and Vietnamese deaths topped 2
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