Why Did America Change Its Mind

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Why did America change its mind? “Read all about it!” “Prohibition on alcohol now in effect!”. That was the front page of every newspaper article in the United States, on January 16, 1919, The official day that the 18th Amendment was ratified to the constitution, and the U.S. was now considered a dry country. Prohibition was highly influenced by the progressive movement, being the thought that alcohol abuse was behind many of Americas serious problems like, corruption, child-abuse, crime, un-employment, and worker safety. The Volstead Act was passed a couple months later in October detailing what was legal, and illegal by the 18th amendment. Except, fast forward time 14 years, and you’ll see that the 18th amendment was repealed by the same country that ratified it. So why did America change its mind? Though there are plenty of small reasons as to why the…show more content…
was a dry country the government couldn’t tax the illegal substance, making a lot of profit to be made in the illegal activity of buying/selling of alcohol. Which a lot of gangsters, and dope sellers took part in. Crime-rate shot up in the economy. The manufacturing, selling and transporting of the substance was said to be illegal in all states by the Volstead Act. Those were the three main things that “bootleggers” took a huge role in. A lot of “Speak-easy’s” were busted during the prohibition era. A speak-easy is a place where bootleggers would illegally import, distribute and abuse alcohol. More and more homicides in the U.S. started happening. Based off of Document B: Murder In America (chart), out of 100,000 Americans seven of them would be murdered due to prohibition in 1919, the start of the prohibition. By the end of the prohibition act, around 1933, ten Americans would be murdered out of 100,000 due to prohibition. Later recorded in 1940, after the 18th amendment was repealed six out of 100,000 Americans were murdered. Therefore showing proof that alcohol prohibiton provoked

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