Why College Education Is Important to Me

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Israel Okolie AC1502532 Writing Assessment “Why College Education Is Important To Me” In my opinion an education is absolutely necessary in order to have a successful career. The first thing that strikes me about education is knowledge gain. Education gives us the knowledge of the world around us. It develops in us a perspective of looking at life. It helps us build opinions and have points of view on everything in life. One needs to achieve certain goals in life before they can truly call themselves a success, a designation I am thriving to attain. I have many specific achievement that I aspire to achieve within my lifetime. Some of these goals are to acquire a solid education and develop an intrinsically rewarding career. My ideal career would allow me to become financially independent, while simultaneously providing me with a sense of pride and overall happiness. As a student of Ashworth College, I am confident that I am bringing these goals closer to reality. Success in the psychology field is a new life adventure for me as a student , furthering my personal growth . According to W.P.Kinsella “Success is getting what you want, happiness is wanting what you get”. I dream of having a career in job in counselling people and developing peoples mind; this would be the epitome of success. Simply, helping people in the medical field is what initially drew me towards this field. It may be hard to believe but helping people develop a great mind may well be the first step in reaching this goal. I believe this route requires a strong educational

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