Why Clean Up a Beach

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I chose to volunteer at the Huntington Beach clean up. I arrived at 8 in the morning and found the set up right away. This clean up was sponsored by the surf rider foundation and there was a lot of surfers in the water at the time. The host of the even had me sign in and gave me a recyclable bag to put my trash inside. At first, I was confused because I had never been to one of these before and I didn’t know what to really do…did I have to wait for a group of people or was I free to wander the beach on my own? When I found out I could wander the beach on my own I put in my headphones and started walking down the beach. At first I didn’t really find a lot of trash, just little pieces of paper and I thought to myself, “my bag is only going to weigh like 1 oz.” But as I went away from the big crowd of volunteers, I found myself finding a lot more trash. Things such as candy wrappers, straws, and cigarette buds is what I found. The most trash I picked up happened to be the cigarette buds. It was so disgusting and sad that there were that many buds just lying there in the sand. I wish the smokers would respect the beach a little better and not just throw their buds in the sand. As I made my way down the beach a little more, a surfer who was holding a glove that had been dropped by someone stopped me and he told me thank you for cleaning up the beach! That compliment was awesome, because before this morning I didn’t really know who cleaned up the beach and when a local tells you thank you, it makes you feel good inside for doing something productive for your community and beaches. The most interesting thing I did pick up from the beach was someone’s airline ticket! It was pretty neat because that person had arrived into Long Beach terminal from Chicago! Hopefully this person didn’t need this ticket to get back home to Chicago! Living in Huntington

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