Why Are People "Stupid" Nowaday

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Why are people so stupid? Stupidity is a huge controversy in today’s society. Do people act stupid to fit in? Do they do it because it’s entertaining? Or are they just that stupid and don’t know what they are doing is socially unacceptable? In “Stupidity” expressed how our modern day world is becoming more and more stupid each and every day. It is an action-packed comic film that aims to determine whether our culture is hooked on deliberate ignorance and the dumbing down of society. It is trying to find the real truth on what does stupidity really mean. After watching Stupidity directed by Albert Nerenberg, Stupidity exposes many conflicts on why people are so stupid and how they are “too dumb” to research the true facts before speaking their mind out to the public. Stupidity features interviews of the average people on what stupidity means to them. According to the film, the main reason why people are stupid is mostly for entertainment. People want to do the craziest things they can possibly do so that they can see their face come on the morning news. The media has a huge control on what is being watched on television. When it comes to Jackass the movie people love watching films that shows people hurting themselves and doing stupid stunts. People believe that watching others get hurt is more entertaining than watching intellectual shows because it puts many of them to sleep. Throughout the film there were many interviews from different people on describing what stupidity means to them. Not many of them really understand what it means. What Nerenburg was trying to put his point across on how people are uneducated and don’t know what stupidity means or if there is a true description for stupidity. Many people don’t take the time and effort to think logically. Many people just want the answer to pop out in front of them without having to do anything. What

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