Why 3rd Parties

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Erica R. Why we need a Third Party Political Science 102 Tuesday/Thursday American politics is traditionally conquered by the relentless quarrel between Republicans and Democrats, and lately it is being distinguished by the failure of both parties to get things done. Many citizens are having trouble relating to either party. I feel that people want to be properly represented by someone who has their same ideals for the county. Many citizens will support a third party candidate or they won't vote. This is why I believe we need a third political party; a party that will actually have a chance to make it into office; not a green party or libertarian party but an American Party. "Americans don't want to be governed from the left, the right, or the center. The American people want to govern themselves." [Scott Rasmussen ‘In Search of Self Governance’] I believe that the American people crave a representative who will speak on behalf of the whole country not someone from a left or right side, someone who is going to listen to what the people want. We lack political options, and are left only to vote for two candidates, a Democrat or a Republican. These two parties have controlled…show more content…
I feel that if we added a third party we would increase these numbers, that if the people felt that they were actually being heard and that their votes mattered, then there would be more citizens actively participating their right to vote. When a president comes into office based on the electoral votes, and not on majority it taints that person and creates a certain bitterness throughout the entire country. If we did indeed create a third party we would have to completely change the way that we vote, and possibly remove the Electoral College. This suggestion alone causes people to cringe but when people were asked if they wanted a third party candidate and a whopping 46% said yes.
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