Mr Birling asks Eric where he got the money from and he says”(miserably) I got it-from the office” this shows that Eric cared about Eva and he put himself at the risk of being fired and have nothing at all left. Everyone is shock that Eric would steal form his own father. Eric is very disappointed with his mother for refusing Eva’s case and he says to his mother “then-you killed her-and the child she’d have too-my child-your own grandchild-you killed them both- damn you, damn you-“ this shows Eric is angry with his mother and that he thinks its her fault she’s
After the news of those deaths reached Creon’s wife, she became so upset that she killed herself also. These three deaths all came to Creon because of his ignorant actions. If Creon had wisdom inside, he would of compromised with Antigone, causing not one of these deaths to take place. Creon would have much happiness in his life if he had wisdom. Now that his whole family died, Creon feels guilty for their deaths and will never achieve true happiness again.
George has to put up with Lennie and then kill his best friend, Curley’s wife faces discrimination and even her kindness towards Lennie leads to her death. It is Lennie’s lack of understanding of the pain he is causing that loses our pity towards him and it is the weight
We can see how each event led to her feeling like society didn’t need her; led to her feeling suicidal. The chain of events leading up to Eva Smith’s death, affected her in a way that would not have been expected by any of the characters. I believe that all of the characters in the play helped push Eva towards the edge. Every event that happened added up to cause Eva to lose self-esteem until finally she reached a suicidal state of mind. All the characters are to be blamed for her
Antigone, because she didn’t want to wait for death. Haimon, because he didn’t want to live without Antigone. Eurydice poisoned herself because her son died. You sentenced Antigone to die, therefore, it is your fault. Creon: Why is everyone blaming me?
She then moved back to Wolver Hampton with Thomas Conway (to father her five kids). In 1880, they separated, due to habitual drinking. She once again left for London. On October 8, 1888, she was buried at Ilford (unmarked) at the age of forty-four. Then there was the last murder of the twenty-five year old Mary Jane Kelly.
Lady Macbeth tried to cover Macbeth’s guilty conscience by saying that the things that the servants said didn’t mean anything, Macbeth feels terrible about what he had done. Lady Macbeth tells Macbeth that if he thinks about what he just did he will go crazy. Macbeth’s guilty conscience keeps telling him that what he has done is very wrong and that he should not listen to his wife anymore but by him being so vulnerable Lady Macbeth takes full advantage of that and tells him that he should just forget about it and what’s done is
Why, it looks as if she didn’t know what she was about!” she was disoriented about something that was going on in her head. Mrs. Hale says “if there’d been years and years of nothing, then a bird to sing to you it would be awful--still, after the bird was still” she realizes that life would practically be unbearable after the death of the bird, which can evoke irrational thought. It is only rational to see that her irrational thought lead to the murder of Mr. Wright “a hard man…like a raw wind that gets to the bone”. After years of torment and neglect is it unreasonable for Mrs. Wright to try and fight back for her life? Maybe it wasn’t her physical life but Mr. Wright killed her spirit.
Many people walked out on Kane’s life: first wife Emily, the best friend Leland, and second wife Susan. When Susan, the last one to walk out on Kane among whom matter the most to Kane, left him, Kane went very angry; he wasn’t the Kane American public used to like and follow. Therefore the American public turned its back on him. Nobody paid attention to his words anymore. Then Charles Foster Kane died alone.
That was the reason why Celia killed her master because she does not want to have a forced sexual intercourse with him. But Newsom does not want to let Celia go and she ended up killing her master. At this time period women are considered powerless, as for Celia, she basically does not have any rights or power to refuse her master because she is a chattel slave or a property of Newsom. “Then she bent down to examine him, “to see whether he was dead”. Her examination revealed that she had killed Newsom, and momentarily she panicked.