Who or What Started and Perpetuated the Cold War?

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! Who or what started and perpetuated the Cold War? 1 ! The Cold War, which took place from 1945-1989 was a constant aggressive endeavour of hostile tensions between the two emerging superpowers post 1945, the United States of America (USA) and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). It was a conflict of ‘the west’ which included the USA and their allies (NATO) the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, opposed with ‘the east’ which was comprised of the USSR and its allies with whom it signed the warsaw pact together in 19551. The tension created by growing competing political ambition, with the added conflict created by a nuclear arms race, left the balance of the world post second world war in danger once again. Who or what started the cold war are still very much contested today. However, there are three main arguments which I believe cover all angles of how the cold war started and was perpetuated. Firstly, is the orthodox approach, which primarily blames the USSR for starting the cold war. Secondly, the revisionist approach which, in essence blames the USA; and finally the post revisionist approach, which argues that the cold war was neither the US or the USSR’s fault directly 2, but that it was an inevitable result of two superpowers holding international hegemony. The orthodox view on the origins of the cold war places the blame on the Soviet Union. Post WWII, the US and the USSR were left deeply involved politically and militarily in Europe; and due to consequent damages to other european powers, including the United Kingdom who suffered dearly economically, the USA and the USSR emerged as the ‘superpowers’ of the time. Due to both America and the USSR sharing great political ambition and strong military potential, including the threat of nuclear weapons, the former allies relationship rapidly deteriorated and broke down. Post 1945, there
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