Who Moved My Cheese- Lessons Learned

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“If You Do Not Change, You Can Become Extinct” Every company is faced with changes, whether they be new management, new policies or procedures, or maybe even your development team has a giant project that prevents you from making any changes to your marketing campaigns. Whatever it may be, there is always a better way to react than sitting around complaining. When this happens, the natural tendency is to say, “Well, yeah, there is a new way for them to work, but my situation is different.” This is exactly the same attitude that Hem had. In other situations, your company or channel may be humming along just fine. The natural tendency is to kick up your feet, fire up a stogie, and let it ride. When the cheese moves however, you will be taken off guard and unprepared to adapt and move to the changes. The question then becomes, how do you stay prepared and hungry? It all comes down to mental training. When something comes up that prevents you from doing your job or completing a project, don’t take no for an answer. There is always another way. Take some time away to dig into the issue and come up with a plan of how you are going to get around the barrier. If everything is going smoothly, find a better, more efficient way to do things. Or come up with a new way to things all together. The biggest principle to help you stay prepared is to never settle for how things currently are. As you do so, you will be ready to move when the cheese moves. By so doing, you will never become extinct. If you do not change, you can become extinct!! A famous quote from Spencer Johnson used in his international bestseller “Who Moved My Cheese” tells us the importance of bringing about the change in and around us. We as human beings enjoy the most being within our comfort zone. We always want things to remain the same. The sense of certainty gives us a strange pleasure. On the
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