Who Moved My Cheese Analysis

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Embracing Organizational Change In the book, Who Moved my Cheese, the main theme is dealing with change and how it can affect you. Whether it’s at home, school, or work, change is all around us and requires personal adaptation every day. Who Moved my Cheese deals with organizational change and how different types of people handle it. The characters in the book relate to different types of people in the real world. In the book, there are two mice, Sniff and Scurry, who represent the simple, more instinctive reflexes in people. Sniff anticipates change and adapts to it as quickly as he realizes the benefit of adaptation. Scurry, like Sniff, adapts to change as soon as it is happens. Sniff and Scurry are always prepared to change their ways to adapt to the change necessary to survive. Hem and Haw are little people within the maze who represent the complexities of humans and their reaction to change. Hem has a fear of change and will resist change until it is comply necessary to adapt. Haw, on the other hand, will adapt to change after he realizes that adaptation is worth working for. Hem and Haw doesn’t react to change right away and suffer the consequences. It is simply human instinct to over think things through. The maze in the story relates to the boundaries and obstacles of every day life. The walls in the maze illustrate our struggles to change from one way of life to another. The cheese is a metaphor for what we want out of life and what makes us happy. This can be anything tangible or intangible, ranging from what you have, your relationships, the place you live, to what you do in life. Cheese is what we value in life and work hard for every day. Whatever we value as our own personal cheese, we as humans share the common need to find our way in the maze of life. After we do this, only then can we succeed in these changing times. Over the past year I,
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