Who Am I

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INTRODUCTION I am a simple individual that have big dreams in life. A person who makes mistakes, laughs, cries, hurts, smiles and loves. I am who I am through my joys, sorrows, heartbreaks, happiness and failures. Each step in my life and each moment that goes by makes me who am I. Every experience in my life good or bad, happy or sad makes me stronger. Each passing moment is a new life experience for me and makes me grow into the person I want to be. Day by day, hour by hour I take a new step in my life, a step towards another, into a world full of knowledge. Knowledge is all around me, waiting for me to learn new things and process new information that will teach me through life. Who am I now? Well, my name is Samuel Castillo Baquirin and I am currently twenty years old and I was born on August 08th 1988. I am presently studying here at Occidental Mindoro State College with the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Criminology. My name was came from the Bible name Samuel a Prophet, my Father’s name Joaquin Casignia Baquirin. My mother’s name was Nimfa Dumol Castillo, I am 5th in the Seven siblings (2boys and 5 girls). That is who I am right now. My personality and character are two important features that make me who I am. Although I may have some weaknesses in my character, I am basically the upbeat type. I try to be as happy as I can most of the time. Everyone cannot please each other but if everyone pleases themselves and are cheerful most of the time, I feel that it is a better start to put myself in life. Being down or depressed comes with everyone’s character at some point. When I come across this point in life, it is one of my weak situations. When something happens that hurts my feelings or makes me angry, the outcome is always sadness. I let my emotions out but crying or keeping quiet to myself. I believe that all of

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