Which Factors Contribute to Global Climate Change and How Do These Factors Impact the Earth Compared to Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide Emissions?

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Which factors contribute to global climate change and how do these factors impact the earth compared to anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions? Bodden, Zachary Environmental Systems and Societies Strawberry Crest High School May, 2014 3563 Abstract The most popular theory for the cause of global warming today is the burning of fossil fuels. Furthermore, there has been much speculation that anthropogenic carbon dioxide emission will have a harmful impact on the earth. However, through research, it shows that this truly is, only a speculation. In this paper, I plan to analyze the underlying causes of climate change, and the consequences the earth faces. Not only that, but also, I plan to unravel the obscurities and speculations so that we can get to the truth of this environmental issue. Some might say that global warming is not an issue, but rather a natural occurrence. I have investigated driving forces of past climate change such as astronomical and earthly cycles that seem to support this. Furthermore, there are arguments that global warming is not even a threat as assumed by the majority. In this paper I will present many flaws in the Global warming conundrum ranging from Bias to Political issues. What the majority has come to believe might not be the entire truth. So really, which factors contribute to the global climate change and how do these factors impact the earth compared to human activity? Yes, our earth is currently warming up, but who says this is a bad thing? Evidence has shown that it will be beneficial as it has in the past. Humans believe that they are significantly affecting the earth’s climate when it is most likely natural astronomical and earthly cycles. Really, through all of this substantiation, it may be confirmed that human activity does not bring about global warming and global warming is not a threat. Table of Contents

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