Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?

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Tiffany Newell Literary Analysis: Symbolism Joyce Carol Oates “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” In Joyce Carol Oates’ “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” she illuminates the use of symbolism to show that objects, places, and people have an in-depth importance. Oates incorporates these symbols to show us that everything we see and everyone we know may not be what it seems. She wants us to realize that there are suspicious elements in life that may cause us harm, and that we need to keep our eyes open for any lurking perils in reality. Throughout this story, Oates also emphasizes the significance of strangers and his or her tactics to impair our minds and submit to nuisance. For instance, Oates presents Connie’s appearance as narcissistic and explicates how Connie is always “craning her neck to glance into mirrors, or checking other people's faces to make sure her own was all right” (paragraph 1) and that her looks are a way of demonstrating self-absorbency and arrogance. Connie is seen by her mother in this fashion from her mother’s words such as, “You think you’re so pretty?” (Paragraph 1) and Connie’s thoughts of herself being significantly beauty and charming through the use of the quote “she knew she was pretty and that was everything.” (Paragraph 1) Connie’s mother is after her because of her looks. She is coveted for her looks because her mother was once as stunning as Connie is now, and can’t let go of the past and accept that Connie deserves some attention, now that she is a goddess to society. Although Connie’s mother seems like the “evil stepmother” in this tense atmosphere, Connie always seems to ignore her mother’s jealousy and continue to look attractive, no matter what the situation or dilemma. Another powerful symbol Oates uses is the omnipresent music to dictate the way different characters think, feel, and act. For

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