Whats the effect that the banking concept of education brings to our society by leading us to obviate thinking?

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What’s the effect that “the banking concept of education” brings to our society by leading us to obviate thinking? In Paulo Freire’s essay “The Pedagogy of The Oppressed” he criticizes our current educational system, which he calls “the ‘banking’ concept of education”, because of its capacity to inhibit our creativity, make us obviate thinking, “dehumanize” us, etc., oppressing us in many ways. He says that the only way to liberate our oppressed society is upgrading our educational system by using the “problem-posing method of education” which stimulates students to think critically. By studying Freire’s essay it is easier to understand the importance of an education that will stimulate minds into going through a further analysis of things (problem-posing) and how the other method (banking concept) will lead us towards an oppression, sometimes without perceiving it. It is important to understand these two educational concepts because that way we can see the oppression, and might cause us to think a bit more about our education, encouraging us to take a few steps forward into demanding a more effective one. Giving our society a more effective education, in terms of one that will motivate students to think, will produce a new generation of people that will question the world they live in and have the liberty of proposing their own ideas and thought about the world. How is it that the banking concept obviates thinking? Simply by blocking our critical mind. The concept makes us retain a large amount of information or knowledge, but never encourages us to take it further than just “knowing” it, or to look deeper into some topic by ourselves and/or for our own personal growth. If there is no one willing to teach us and guide us into taking to the next level, and actually think critically about all those things that are being taught to us during our time at school,

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