What's Wrong With Women

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The essence of women in our society cannot be measured today on just giving birth alone; now-a-days they occupied and contributed a lot in our society. They can do mostly, if not all what a man can do and they dominated different parts or aspects of our community. Without women our world would be a barren and desolate place, but what’s wrong with women these days? They tend to capture all the vulnerable and all the smallest issues of being different and outrageous. One of the few factors that lead women from being different today is that most women today are addicted to products that will help to enhance or defy age. Each year about 3% or 250,000 to 340,000 women undergo to different kinds of implants or body enhancements and according to studies and statistics, 20% of women above the age of 50 are under going in this procedures. But why would they want to go to such procedures? Maybe it’s because the standards of beauty for women now-a-days are most likely based on their physical attributes and neither in skin deep nor their personality. Maybe it’s because of what they saw on reality TV shows these days or maybe the influence of the other women in our society? A woman who undergoes or engages in these kinds of procedures believes that she is or they are exceptional to others but this only proves that she or they have low self-esteem and not actually contended with their own body. Another factor could be that they do not give importance on how to be a real woman or a real woman should act. These kinds of women tend to lose their moral values by giving in to pre-marital sex and abortion. According to statistics, in this new era, 35% of younger women are low on moral values. They engage on pre-marital sex, drugs, tobacco, alcohol and lack of respect to their parents. Surely, we all do know and believe that everybody is equal and free to do whatever they want to do but
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