What Your Closet Reveals About You

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Myself From My Closet In the article “ What Your Closet Reveals about You”, the writer Amy Tan talks about how she find out a personal closet can serve as an amusing window into one’s psyche. And She also applied her “closet theory” on her personal characteristic. Tan had this interesting observation after attending a benefit luncheon at the home of a venture capitalist. She had experienced a life-changing revelation after stepping into the venture capitalist’s vault-size closet. The interior of the venture capitalist’s closet is luxurious and super organized like the “exhibits at a costume museum” described by Tan. And She made a smug assessment like a psychiatrist that the owner of the vault-size closet is obsessive compulsive sprang to mind and is inflexible to allow any wrinkles in her life. After judging the venture capitalist’s vault-size closet, Tan realized that she could judge her own personality through the picture of her messy closet. For Tan, She could not discard clothes if they were gifts, and the clutter within her closet is found friendship, memories, hard-learned mistakes, future use, and many more excuses. Also she found that as a writer the chaos and confusion could serve her the best. However, Tan’s new housekeeper transformed her closet, and let her see the foibles exposed in her life. She found that she had many useless old clothes and meaningless buys. In reducing the chaos, the writer also found out that there is some valuable stuff in her life that had been misplaced and buried, and these meaningful memories could truly become her good stories in writing. Most Importantly, through practicing such objective orderliness, and going through the organizing process of her old stuff, the writer had a better sense of who she is and clear memories of what helped to build up her personality in her life. Through Tan’s article, I really see that
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