What Would I Like to Change in My Life

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In my age, life is a rainbow with lots of colors. Every thing happening around me seems entirely positive, healthy, carefree and with lots of joy. This is what I think about life but the burdens on my age are more than my strengths. I feel myself buried under many future tasks. School tasks, competition in studies and, above all, parents expectations. If I ever get a chance to change something in my life then I will certainly change my life pattern in such a way that I can spend my life with ease and relaxed state of mind. A kind of life I do not have to look at the wall clock all the time to follow the designed time table. It’s time to sleep, it’s time for home work, tuition time, half an hour to play, dinner and then go to your bed now with a quote” early to sleep, early to rise makes a man health, wealthy and wise.” I am not saying that I don’t want to attend the school or don’t want to follow my parent’s instructions. I just want to explain that for me, life is not a bundle of responsibilities in my age. This is the time I need to realize my own personality. I want to discover myself, want to build such interests that can lead me to my future. I want to enable myself to think and decide what I should want to choose as my career. I feel myself rope up with plenty of suggestions to think about. But no one bothers to hear what I want to do or what I thought about their chosen tasks for me. I have a deep interest in art subjects like painting, designing and sculpture. My father thinks that business administration is a better field for me. My mom suggests me to be a doctor because she wanted to be a doctor when she was young but was unable to be. My elder sister wants to be called a lawyer’s sister and my teacher saw a reflection of an engineer in me. If I could be able to change something in my life then I would bring a freedom of decision and freedom

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