What Would I Get Rid of in the 21st Century

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What would I get rid of in the 21st century? Exams. The painful process in which thousands of stressed students try to prove themselves to a society of vultures like universities and employers, however only the few smartest students will actually benefit from these and will be set free from the chains of strict school timetables and harsh school exams. What happens to the rest? They are left hopelessly lost in the world of work, searching and seeking for jobs. More over students in this generation are becoming exam-bots with no knowledge of how to talk to people when going out into the world of work or what life is even like after you leave school. All they put their hard work and care into is making sure they work by the ever-changing mark scheme and how to answer long pointless questions. Exams take up our precious childhood by the long strenuous hours of revision which rip us away from our social lives just to answer stupidly insane questions that will determine the rest of our lives! Examinations take over the innocent, frail, young minds of the future generations to come; brainwashing them to work and write by the malicious mark schemes. Most students crumble under the enormity of all the stress and the immense stress like slaves who work tirelessly day and night. The immense frustration and exhaustion lead even the most self-confident students into an endless spiral to the destruction of their confidence in their own intelligence. It’s exhausting having to prepare for an examination when the end result is marked so harshly, it puts the only courage you have down. Masses of trees being removed, the same trees giving us the air we breathe. Papers and papers and pages and pages... all for a single letter, is it really worth it? These exams should be abolished to prevent the severe harm put upon kids like the endless mountains of paper which prey on
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