What Was the State of the Weimar Republic in 1924?

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The Weimar Republic was established in 1923. The Allies demanded Germany to become a republic which began the start of the Weimar Republic. During 1924, the state of the Weimar Republic was in a terrible condition. This was due to the Kaiser’s former advisers still dominating the army, judiciary, the civil service and the country’s industries. Consequently this made it much harder for Ebert to rule over Germany the way he wanted to rule it. The political opposition of the Left Wing and the Right Wing left the Weimar Republic in a terrible state. The Spartacists (Left Wing) which were led by Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Leibnecht were a communists group who wanted the workers to take over the German government and rule the country. The Freikorps (Right Wing) were opponents who were mainly members of the former Kaiser’s government. They showed that they would not always support the government and that they are. This proved to be a problem as not all of the political opponents had been defeated because the newly formed government did not have enough power to fully take down their opponents as it was formed quickly. However the political opposition was much weaker than it seemed as communists revolutionaries lacked in support as they never gained more than 15% in elections. The socialists were weak as they didn’t have any outstanding leaders and they lacked supporters. The economy of the Weimar Republic had been damaged due to hyperinflation in 1923. There was a large number of resentment due to businesses and the government paying off their war debts with worthless marks. The hyperinflation also caused the government to lose the support of the middle class people as all of their savings were gone. The Dawes Plan which Germany did depend on was to help them rebuild the country was good as there was a rise in the economy but it didn’t help as it was on a short term loans
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