What was the impact of Stalins Economic Policies?

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Why did Stalin introduce the 5-Year plans? Stalin said: “We are 50 to 100 years behind the advanced countries… We either industrialize in 10 years or we go under” What Stalin did between 1929-41 was to put the USSR on a “Crash Course” of industrialization. Why did Stalin want to industrialize USSR in 10 years? 1. N.E.P. was increasing industrial output slowly. 2. He wanted to improve living standards for the Russian People. 3. SECURITY. Stalin was worried that the West or Japan might attack The USSR. He wanted strong industry to produce armaments. 4. He also needed industry to produce farm machinery for collective farms. 5. He wanted most of the population to be industrial workers; they were more likely to support Communism. 6. Industrialization would show the rest of the world what Communism could achieve. Why did Stalin introduce collectivization? Stalin introduced collectivization in 1928. Peasants were asked to join, but only 3% joined. Later Stalin made rules that peasants had to join collectivization. It was used to solve the following. Grain Output Since the end of the civil war (1921), under the N.E.P. grain production had doubled. Stalin was still not happy, because the output in 1928, -73 million tones had still not passed output levels under the Tsar which was +80 million tones. Stalin wanted production levels increasing quickly; he was not prepared to wait. He hoped with collectivization the peasants will be able to produce more than 80 million. Backwardness of Russian farming In 1928 agriculture was still very backward and most farmers only had a small field and had hardly any grain output because of how the way land was shared after the revolution. Most work was done by people. They were virtually no tractors in the USSR, and no combine harvests. Stalin wanted to create large farms
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