What Was Bismarck's Vision Domestically for the United Germany? How Successful Was He Achieving His Aims?

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What was Bismarck's vision domestically for the united Germany? How successful was he achieving his aims? Germany was unified in 1871 by Prussia's supremacy against France in the Franco-Prussian war. Under the reign of Kaiser William I (1871-1888), Bismarck was the most powerful man in the Empire and dominated the government of the Reich. He wanted a new constitution, the army to be well maintained, religion to be subordinated against the united Germany, Prussia to be economically strengthened and to curb the growth of socialism. Bismarck's aim for the constitution was that he wanted to bring a federal system in to Germany. Prussia now dominated the new Germany called the Second Reich, which covered two thirds of the land area and contained the same proportion of the population and has practically all the industry. The new constitution drawn up by Bismarck would included each of the twenty-five states. Each state would have considerable control over their own affairs and decided their own form of government. For Example Bavaria and Saxony were ruled by kings. the Federal government had three branches to it. The first part was the Presidency which was help by the King of Prussia, as known as German Emperor. The German Emperor has considerable powers, he had personal control over the armed forces and he could appoint and dismiss all ministers including the Chancellor. Secondly, the Federal Council (Bundesrat) represented the different states of the Empire. It had 58 members. It had the powers to change the constitution however no change could be made if the 14 delegated from Prussia did not approve. Thirdly, the parliament was elected by universal male suffrage and secret ballot. Bismarck was successful with this aims to a considerately personal level. Bismarck who was Chancellor, could only be dismissed by the Emperor and even though the Kaiser could
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