What to Do If You Are Involved in a Road Traffic Accident

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What to do if you are involved in a road traffic accident Being involved in a road traffic collision can be traumatic and this Aide Memoire is intended to help with some of the practical things you will need to do. If you are involved in an accident on the road you need to take the following steps to ensure that you do not unintentionally break the law. If you are the driver and one or more of the following has happened: • A person, other than yourself, is injured, • Damage is caused to another vehicle or to someone else's property including street furniture such as a bollard or street lamp, • An animal has been killed or injured, (an 'animal' is defined as 'any horse, cattle, sheep, pig, goat or dog'). You must: • Stop and stay at the scene for a reasonable time, • Give your vehicle registration number, your name and address, and that of the Company, to anyone with reasonable grounds for asking for those details, • If you do not exchange those details at the scene, you must report the accident at a police station or to a police officer as soon as you can and in any case within 24 hours. Where another person involved is injured, then in addition to the above you must: • Produce your certificate of insurance, if anyone at the scene has reasonable grounds to see it. If you do not, you must report the accident at a police station or to a police officer as soon as you can. This must be within 24 hours. • If you don't have your certificate of insurance at the scene of the accident, you may take it to a police station you nominate when you report the incident. You must do this within seven days of the accident. Reporting the accident to the police by telephone is not sufficient and you cannot ask someone else to report it for you. • You must do these things not only when you are directly involved in an injury accident, but also if your vehicle's

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