What Should Be Taught in Tesol

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What should be taught in a TESOL course and why are cultural aspects so important in TESOL? Introduction This project was designed to examine and discuss what should be taught and what would be beneficial to students of other languages throughout the deliverance of the Teaching of English to speakers of other languages, which is universally referred to as a TESOL course. The knowledge and exposure to cultural aspects are highlighted as vital for students to be successful in the learning of English Language and this appears to work extremely well when other important factors are incorporated; such as, classroom factors, age of learners and motivation to learn. This project will analyse recent data findings and identify research in support of these theories. What is TESOL? TESOL is an acronym for Teaching of English to speakers of other languages and is an umbrella term used for: English as a foreign language, English as a second language and English for specific purposes. Methodology This study was aimed at teachers who are qualified to teach English to students of other languages, who are currently teaching or who have previously taught the subject. I contacted Broughton Hall High School and asked if they had teachers who are currently teaching English to students of other languages or had previously taught this subject. I then went on to say, if so, would it be possible for me to arrange a meeting to ask if they would be prepared to take part in my research. The school had no objections and I went and delivered a short presentation to the teachers about my project and eight of them agreed to participate. I then asked them to read a participants permission sheet seen in Appendix 1 and asked them to sign a consent form and include their contact details as seen in Appendix 2. The eight teachers work at the same school and half of them are currently
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