What Makes Us Human?

606 Words3 Pages
Earth: One planet among billions of other planets and stars, and in Earth there are billions of species. Yet, even though we are actually pretty insignificant, we still think we are superior. We think we are unlike any other animal, that we are unique. However, are we really special? What makes us human? How are we different? What makes me different? Well, first off, we invent technology and build upon it. Last year, for example, I was president and competitor in the MESA program, a program that focuses on building and experimenting. My team and I got to build a windmill, and to start us off, we were given a kit that consisted of pretty much just tinker toys. Eventually we changed it into something more advanced that we made ourselves, and my team got to go to Seattle, Washington for the National Competition. I was unable to go because I moved, but my team and I built upon our original piece of technology and improved it. We have art and music. Cultures all have their own style of music and our own society generally chooses pop (my personal favorite), rock, rap, and country over other music. I, myself, like to sing and play the guitar and piano. We also draw, paint, create beautiful things, items, pottery, etc. We have whole museums dedicated to art, and we visit them to admire past art. I often draw and make little crochet animals out of yarn. What other creature in Earth has the ability to create art of their own free will, without being taught by our own wonderful species? We have different ways of communication, different languages, words, written symbols that we decipher so that we can understand the message. We have Spanish, Basque, Italian, English, Chinese, Arabic, and French, as examples of languages. There are books and paper and pencils as well used to communicate the message, or a story, or information. We teach each other these different skills so

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