What Makes a Manager a Superior Leader

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In my observations and experience, a superior boss/manager is determined by the way they lead and motivate their employees. Professional Conduct: A true leader has a structured way of conducting themselves in a professional way when they share and send the message of the overall purpose. They have an unbiased perception of everyone around them, which allows for a truly objective critique of an employee when it is needed. And they do not allow their personal life affect how the business is operated. Lead by example. Training: Training that is created and run by a great leader has its basis of reasoning. However, someone who is able to aide and adapt the information in a way that is easier for an employee to understand if they have a slower learning ability makes an even greater leader. If that same leader uses the same abilities for the entire duration of that employee’s time with the business to create a stronger confidence in them, will create a stronger employee. Motivation: A great leader is able to motivate without making it obvious that that is what they are doing. One key way is empowerment. By giving an employee a bit more responsibility than their specific job requires shows that you trust them and their abilities to do the task(s). This also gives the employee the ambition to a do a really good job with it (the task(s)). Other points of motivation is conducting contests internally that cause them to work a bit harder to reach a specific goal set which would result in some kind of an incentive like a gift card or special dress code for a certain number of specific days. This could also be accomplished by implementing an employee of the month, quarter, or year, which is rated on the overall performance and documented evaluations (these should definitely be rotated through all employees as possible). Compensation: There are different types

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