What Makes a Hero

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Heroes The word hero is a term that is used in a very broad sense in today’s society, the words meaning can be a variety of things, for instance, a hero could be an athlete, a parent or guardian, a police man, super hero or even a sandwich from firehouse subs. I feel like a hero is something much more important than someone that I read about in a comic book or watch on a television show. A hero is someone that you can look up to, trust, and strive to be like one day maybe physically, emotionally or even spiritually. When I try a think of who my personal hero would be, there are a few individuals and groups that pop into my mind. My mother and my father are two people who defiantly have earned my trust my love and who are excellent role models to me in life whether it being spiritually morally or just learning life lessons. But I feel like parents are more like impact role models rather than heroes at least that’s how it is in my life. A hero to me is someone who would put their life on the line, and the wellness of mankind before his or her own personal success. Examples of these types of heroes would be men and women who serve in their country’s armed forces. The brave souls that fight fires all around the world along with the men and women who dedicate their lives to making sure our country’s homes and streets are safe by enforcing local state and federal laws. The issue that comes up when determining if these brave people that I have listed above do their individual duties because of the love for their country or if they do it because it is the more easy way to draw a pay check in lives their lives from day to day. I know everyone has to make a living one way or another and that has nothing do with the amount of respect these individuals receive from me. However I feel like a true hero is someone that puts their goal or situation above their own personal

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