What Makes a Good Leader

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To be a good leader you must have passion. Passion is a strong love for what you do and stand for. When a leader has passion, it inspires the followers to strive. Leaders with passion “light the fire in the followers bellies” to get others to feel strongly about a subject and to get them to help the leader with whatever he or she is trying to accomplish with a team. Passion is infectious; others will feel it too and jump on board with you. If you don’t have passion for your vision, you must redo your vision to make sure you feel a strong belief for it. Making good decisions and honesty are very important characteristics of a leader. Making decisions takes a lot of consideration and thought. Making a wrong decision could damage your follower’s trust and leadership skills. Honesty builds productive relationships with others; honesty is linked with trust. If people know you are honest they will put their trust in you and they will be more willing to help you if you need it. Just like the story about the boy who cried wolf, when the wolf was really there no one trusted and believed the boy when he was finally telling the truth. Even though being assertive is a good when you’re a leader, some people might take it as a threat and feel inferior to you. If people are scared and less motivated by their leaders that means they will only work because they fear you, not because they are motivated. When someone is in your group when working on a task, they shouldn’t feel like they must do it; working in a group should be fun and full of support by the leader and others among the group. Stress always comes with being a leader. If someone cannot handle the stress of decision making and organization then the group will become hectic. A group should be like a well-oiled machine. A leader who can’t handle stress will eventually break down and then the group would not know how to

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