What Is The Theme Of The Salem Witch Trials In The Crucible

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Arthur Miller was born in New York. He was married to Marilyn Monroe for a period of time, they divorced in 1961. Arthur wrote plays and won many awards. He wrote the play, The Crucible. The Crucible talks about the Salem witch trials and how it occurred. Abigail and a couple of her friends were conjuring spirits in the woods. This turned into a huge controversy that led to the Salem witch trials. Abigail is now motivated by her love for John Proctor and fear. Abigail Williams is a beautiful young girl that is motivated by her love for John Proctor. For example, when Betty awakened from her slumber, Betty tells Abigail, “You did, you did… You drank a charm to kill John Proctors wife… You drank a charm to kill Goody Proctor!” (148). This shows Abigail’s jealousy towards Elizabeth. Abigail would go to any extent to find a way for John Proctor and herself to be together without his wife Elizabeth being in the picture. Abigail and John Proctor are alone at the time,…show more content…
All the girls are in the room, while Betty is laying there inert, Mary Warren tells Abby, “…We’ve got to tell… Witchery’s a hangin’ error-we must tell the truth! You’ll only be whipped for dancin’, and other things” (147). Abigail is realizing how much trouble she is going to get into. So she decides to lie, so that the village wouldn’t find out she made a charm to kill Goody Proctor. The girls are still in the room contemplating on what they’re going to do, Abigail tells the girls, “Now look you. All of you. We danced. And Tituba conjured Ruths dead sisters. And that is all” (148). This shows the fear in Abigail; she has to threaten the girls to keep herself from getting into trouble. This fear leads the girls to prolong events that weren’t necessary to occur in the beginning. Abigail’s fear is so powerful, that it leads the girls to do outrages things that shouldn’t have happened; only if Abigail would have told the truth innocent people lives would be

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