What Is The Nature Of Argument

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What is the Nature of Argument? The nature of argument from my own understanding is everything. The meaning of argument is something that you try to prove from your point of view using factual proof. In this paper, I will write about the nature of argument to the best of my understanding. The purposes of argument are arguments to inform, convince, persuade, explore, make decisions, meditate or pray, and also academic arguments. Arguments to inform are like information you give to your audience that they don’t know. For example, Payless puts ads in the newspaper about t heir discounts to the argument that their store is the best. Arguments to convince is to try get your audience to believe your part while producing real facts. Arguments to persuade are like stating your argument with evidence that are real to convince your audience. Arguments to explore are like when you use certain subjects that need you to look back to see what causes the argument. Arguments to make decisions are almost like arguments to explore. Once you have explored the topic closely and have made a decision, you now argue your decision. Argument to meditate or pray is how you argue through meditation to convince yourself, almost like praying. All of these arguments listed above are purposes of arguments. Occasions for arguments are three, the past, present, and the future. Arguments about the past are call forensic arguments which are common with businesses and government. Forensic arguments rely heavily on things that have happened in the past that influence the present. Arguments about the present are usually arguments that argue because of the past it has caused the present. Arguments about the future are called deliberative arguments. Deliberative arguments mean arguments that argue for the future. These are all arguments for occasions. Kinds of arguments are arguments of
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