What Is the Intended Role of Each of the Institutions and Intermediaries Discussed in the Case for the Effective Functioning of Capital Markets?

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What is the intended role of each of the institutions and intermediaries discussed in the case for the effective functioning of capital markets? Generally, in a well- functioning market, institutions and intermediaries should fully align in accordance with their fiduciary responsibility, public markets will correctly value companies such that investors earn a normal required rate of return, that means promote companies to give investors this fair rate of investment. • Venture Capitalist They always demand a very high return on investment and exit the portfolio through an IPO. Concurrently, their will do their best to ensure these companies have good management and sustainable business model that will stand the test of time. Investment bankers will provide their expertise in helping companies to go public and introducing them to investors. • Portfolio managers They are acting on behalf of investors will only buy companies that are fairly priced and will sell companies if they become overvalued, since buying or holding an overvalued stock will inevitably result in a loss. • Sell-side and buy-side analysts They will help investors including portfolio managers monitor objectively the performance of the companies and determine whether or not the stocks are good or bad to invest in. • Accountant or auditor They audit the financial statements of companies and ensuring that they comply with established standards and represent the true and fair states of the firms. That gives investors confidences and advices to make decision based on financial statements. • FASB As a regulatory body, its mission was to establish and improve standards of financial accounting and reporting for the guidance and education of the public. Are their incentives aligned properly with their intended role? Whose incentives are most misaligned? Buy-side analysts and portfolio

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