What Is Risk Communication

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IDENTIFY WHAT RISK COMMUNICATION IS AND EXPLAIN ITS IMPORTANCE TO THE SECURITY MANAGER. Introduction: What is Risk Communication? Risk communication can express concerns, opinions, or reactions to risk messages and risk issues. It often involves multiple messages about the nature of risk. Moreover, it can provide information for legal and institutional arrangements used to further effective risk issue management (Covello and Sandman, 2001). As a process it provides the security manager with the information which enables an informed risk assessment to be produced. Risk communication can provide suggestions for planning (with aspects of preparedness and precaution) that will assist the organisation in responding appropriately to some crisis (or impending crisis) situation. A simpler definition is that risk communication is an interactive process of the exchange of information and opinion on risk, among security managers, risk assessors, risk managers, and other interested parties. As an example of the effectiveness of risk communication and the importance of the involvement of different parties, we should look at the Secured by design (SBD) award scheme, that aims at encouraging housing developers to design out crime at the concept or planning stage, some of the stakeholders involved include the Police force (Architectural liaison officers), architects & local government officials, this is an evolving process that must keep abreast of current trends and criminal developments (which it has done) security managers would do well to take note of the effectiveness, the original evaluation of SBD within West Yorkshire revealed positive findings, and many felt that there was little point re-assessing the effectiveness of SBD, given that the research had shown SBD to be effective. However, to be complacent about the merits of SBD, or any crime prevention

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