What Is Molecular Gastronomy?

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Zachary S and Robert H Mr. Regan Chemistry 1 A What is Molecular Gastronomy? Not everybody likes the idea of adding a variety of chemicals to food through different methods. Other people are more used to the idea of simple food as opposed to over the top artsy foods. The art of making foods become something we aren’t used to is called molecular gastronomy. But what is molecular gastronomy, who created it, and who helped innovate the field? Molecular gastronomy is quite simply the science of cooking. The term molecular gastronomy refers to the scientific discipline that studies the physical and chemical processes that occur while cooking. Molecular gastronomy seeks to investigate and explain the chemical reasons behind the transformation of ingredients, as well as the social, artistic and technical components of culinary and gastronomic phenomena in general. Though most of the foods created may seem extremely unhealthy and perhaps dangerous to ingest. With chemicals called xanthan gum, carrageenan, alginate, agar-agar, and maltodextin and lab equipment like pH meters, tabletop distillers, and water bath machines the worries are well disserved. The reality of it is that the food is safe to eat and isn’t very bad for you most of the time. The chemicals used in molecular gastronomy are all of biological origin. Though they are purified or processed, they were at one point marine, plant, animal, or microbial. The chemicals are used in small amounts that have to meet a set standard for human consumption. The lab equipment is used to do anything from keep a food cooking at a specific temperature like a water bath, cool foods quickly like with liquid nitrogen, or extract flavors with evaporation. Some may also argue that because it is not eaten on a regular basis it shouldn’t affect your health in any major way. The point of molecular gastronomy isn’t to be a

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