What Is Meant by Good Quality Assessment Practices?

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What is meant by good quality assessment practices? “Assessment can be defined as the collection, evaluation and use of information to help teachers make decisions that improve student learning” (McMillan, 2011, p9). Good quality assessment practices have: a clearly defined purpose, methods for measuring, evaluating and using information. Assessment should be a process that is conducted before, during and after instruction. McMillan, (2011) suggests there are four components involved in good quality assessment practices: identify the purpose of the assessment, decide how information will be gathered, establish the standards and criteria for interpreting results and determine how results are to be used to advance learning. These factors must be considered to determine the best type, appropriate time and desired outcome of the assessment. Good quality assessment not only depends on how assessment is conducted, but when. McMillan, (2011) describes assessment as a cycle that should take place before (diagnostic), during (formative) and after (summative) instruction. Assessment is necessary during all three stages, as individually, each type has limitations for what can be achieved. Diagnostic assessment provides a starting point for developing learning targets, instruction that targets zones of proximal development and identifying motivators. This type of assessment does not allow teachers to measure understanding or effectiveness of instruction or formal reporting Formative assessment assists teacher monitor progress, measure the effectiveness of instruction, make decisions about adjustments to instruction, provide immediate feedback and opportunities to offer support (scaffolding). However it does not give teachers the option to assess prior knowledge comprehensively nor report on achievement of learning goals. William & Black, (as cited in William, 2005, p33,

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