What Is Leadership and What Are the Implications Contained for the Educator in the Quest for Democratic Leadership?

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A leader is someone that energises people and sustains their momentum. A leader is also someone that allocates tasks, consults with people and supervises their work. He/she is also a disciplinarian. An educator is all this therefore he/she is a leader. Various theories of leadership have been developed in search for the qualities of a good leader. The Qualities theory – this theory is based on the assumption that the leader is a distinctive type of person who has a specific characteristics and qualities. Their leadership rests on the application of these characteristics. The Situational theory – Certain types of leaders or leadership are needed for specific situations. Group function Theory – this theory stresses interpersonal relationships and leaderships as a group activity. The leader develops from within the group. There are different types of leadership. the autocratic style, laissez-faire style and democratic style. The autocratic style of leadership commands learners and they should obey. Rules are strictly followed and disobedience is not tolerated. This is an outdated style of leadership. Learners initiatives are destroyed and they often lose respect for the teacher. The Laissez –faire on the other is the opposite to the autocratic style. Learners are allowed to do as they please. There is no discipline in this leadership style. Teachers should strive to become a democratic leader. This style falls in between the other two. Learners are required to respect and obey the educator and at the same time their initiatives and opinions are encouraged. Learners are active participants in the classroom. Teachers can become a democratic leader if they have a thorough knowledge of their learning areas, knowledge of the learners needs, communication and interpersonal skills, decision making skills, problem solving skills, and the ability to listen. It is
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