What Is It About Theories in the Human Sciences and Natural Sciences That Makes Them Convincing?

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What is it about theories in the human sciences and natural sciences that makes them convincing? When I was young, adults used to tell me about natural science theories and I always wondered how the theories came about and if they were true. I remembered when I was 7 years old, I was walking along the River with my uncle and I came across the reverse bungee. As I was young and I have not learnt about science before, I asked what happens if the bungee gets stuck high up in the air. My uncle replied me with a science theory saying that “what goes up must come down” because of gravity. Although I did not understand what gravity was and how the theory worked, I believed that what my uncle said was true as he was older than me and he has learnt science. However, I was curious about why I am convinced by the theories. What do I or should I really believe? That is when I started to question the knowledge that I have acquired from all areas of knowledge. “What is a theory”? My interpretation of a theory is that it starts out as a concept or hypothesis, and through analysis and testing if proved true becomes a theory. Human sciences are the study and interpretation of the experiences, activities, constructs and artifacts associated with human beings. They attempt to expand and enlighten the human being’s knowledge of his or her own existence, its interrelationship with other species and systems and the development to artifacts to perpetuate the human expression and thoughts. Human sciences are more abstract and when compared with natural sciences, they involve more thought and emotion. Unlike natural science, there is no correct answer, so it is difficult to do an experiment. However, testing a large number of people and looking at what the majority has shown can draw out conclusions. On the other hand, natural sciences involve experiments and theories. They are based

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