What Is Environmental Psychology?

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What is Environmental Psychology Paper? University of Phoenix What is Environmental Psychology Paper? Kurt Lewis postulated more than part of a decade ago that the simple comparison to describe the relations between the environment, behavior, and people is that behavior establishes an interaction among the repetitive contacts of the independent variables of persons and the environment (Arkkelin & Veitch, 1995). As in the control of environmental psychology, the word environment is very vague in the aforementioned description, but subsequently the fundamental expectations can be considered, the term environment spreads effectiveness as it shares to psychology. At its very core, environmental psychology is, “…a multidiscipline behavioral science, both basic and applied in orientation, whose foci are the systematic interrelationships between the physical and social environments and individual human behavior and experience” (Arkkelin & Veitch, 1995, p. 5). Though, a brief equation and frugal definition only suggest an outline from where to begin; while, an analysis of the theoretical approaches to environmental psychology and the importance of research in the field bring a more comprehensive understanding of the field of environmental psychology. Theoretical Approaches to Environmental Psychology Environmental psychology uses many unusual views of human psychology to give an explanation between the interaction of experience, behavior, and environment. To that end, the theories that bring about the principles of Environmental psychology use from the studies of anthropology, psychology, architecture, urban planning, sociology, physiology, and biology (Arkkelin & Veitch, 1995). Below are two theories that derive from more than a few disciplines to theorize about the relations between stimuli/arousal and performance. Arousal theories command that a

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