What Is Culture?

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From latin word “cultura” which means care or “cultus” which means civilization Based on the long period of dependency of the human person;He has to take care of people around him => the care and training provided to the individual accounts for the differences in culture. Culture according to Edward Taylor…“Culture… refers to that complex whole which knowledge, beliefs, art, morals, low, customs, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member a society”. Culture represents the way they live; the interrelated network of norms and roles. Culture is behavior acquired and transmitted by symbols…including embodiment in artifacts… the essential core of culture is the traditional ideas and their attached values. The components of Culture “Culture is the widening of the mind and of the spirit. It is never a narrowing of the mind or a restriction of the human spirit or the country's spirit”. This quote was said by Jawaharlal Nehru in his Speech “The spirit of science” at the opening ceremony of the Fuel Research Institute, April 22, 1950. Jawaharlal Nehru was an Indian politician and statesman, a leader in the Indian independence movement, and the first Prime Minister of independent India Since we are born we have learned to see and do things at an unconscious level. Our experiences, our values and our cultural background lead us to see and do things in a certain way. Culture can give people a connection to certain social values, beliefs, religions and customs. It allows them to identify others similar mindsets and backgrounds. Culture drives behavior. In fact, it is the single most powerful thing we can focus on to succeed in product development. It breaths life into a society. It defines who we are. The culture should be in a spiritual possession that is the most important thing. “If there is no culture in people’s hearts,
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