What Is Candy's Monologue

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I didn’t want to shoot him, ‘course I didn’t. He was my best friend; I had him to look after me, and me to look after him. We were gonna get a ranch and live the American Dream... We were so close!But now he’s gone, he won’t tend any rabbits or live off the fatta the land with me and Candy, and it’s all that damn girls fault; she jus’ couldn’t keep away could she? Good riddance to her. Oh, and I found out that the house had been sold to a young couple anyway, and that’s just another sad reminder of Lennie and the fact that we never made it. I don’t think folk like us are supposed to, we’re just meant to work all our lives, Candy’s old, and he’s still working in that dump.I keep thinking at least it was me who shot Lennie rather than that angry
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