What Is a Crime, a Crime Is an Activity That Break the Law of the Land and Are Subject to Official Punishment.

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Functionalist believe that crime is inevitable in society. The main areas which are addressed in the functionalist approach to crime is that “how do social systems hold together”, the two main questions asked to attempt to answer this are, how is order kept in society and what the main sources are which keep society stable. When studying “society” functionalists tend to look for institutional arrangements that may occur, example’s of institutions within society are family, work and school. When in this institutions values and beliefs are passed to individuals and it is within these socialising process that the basic values of any society are learnt by the individual, in the case of young people if they are growing up within a family that crime has always been part of their culture then there is a increased chance that they are more likely to follow within the same culture. Although functionalists admit that too much is dysfunctional to society. “People deviate from social norms, for example, not because they are irrational, naturally bad or whatever, it occurs because people are placed under various kinds of social pressure that effectively limit their potential choices of action”, which with young people peer pressure can lead to them doing things which they would otherwise never have thought of doing. Durkheim saw criminal behaviour as the way in which legal boundaries where tested, stating that laws were necessarily social static’s, meaning that once a law has been put into place it is hard to change, the view of Durkheim can also be put into the context of youth crime and with young people pushing boundaries and testing limits. An other perspective of crime is Interactionist approach, which focuses on the individual act and not how they react to social situations, how people interpret the behaviour of others is a major factor of this approach to find

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