What Impact Do Local and Global Inequalities Have on Children’s Experience of Adversity?

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What impact do local and global inequalities have on children’s experience of adversity? This assignment will firstly explore what is meant by adversity. Investigating the way in which children deal with adversity and the impact adversities have on children as individuals. When considering the impact of inequalities on children’s experience of adversity this essay, whilst recognizing the multiple forms of adversity, will focus on the issues of health and poverty, exploring the impact at both global and local levels. In examining the impact of adversity we are measuring against what constitutes children’s needs and well-being. Children’s well-being is founded in a holistic view, acknowledging the significance of supporting the whole child. This holistic approach toward children seeks to simultaneously address the physical, emotional, and psychological aspects of a child’s life. However, whilst a general consensus on children’s needs and well-being is attainable, notions of the child and childhood differ across culture, time and place, whereby concepts of appropriate education, work and play are rooted in cultures and societies, as Woodhead et al, (2003, p.2) discuss. Adversity refers to circumstances or incidents, which fail to meet the required needs of the child, endanger their well-being or infringe upon their rights. There are multiple forms of adversity that children across the world are facing daily, for instance, poverty, ill health, natural disaster and violence. With children’s own environments and experiences having significant influence on the resulting impact of such adverse events, their experiences differ, (Woodhead et al, 2003, p.6). As American studies, during the Great Depression, have shown age, gender, family and relationships influenced the impact on children of economic adversity. Additionally this study demonstrates the complexity and

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