What Im Scared About High School

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High School is going to be a pain no matter who your are, but for different reason; I’m frightened because of the decision I have to make to choose the perfect class, learning, and taking notes. Those are my ultimate weaknesses. I cannot decide what classes to do, which will make it harder to learn, which will require notes. One problem, I am horrible at note taking. In High School you need to think about what you might do as an adult, and there are many options with many classes. My problem is finding the perfect class. If you want to be a chef you need a cooking class on that certain type of cooking, and maybe a science class to learn about the science of cooking; thats only a few classes. If you want to be an engineer you need to take much math and some science. Jobs sound simple, but (they go in-depth,) this requires learning. There is a lot to learn out there for my interests, so I may need to take a lot of classes. All this learning will help me,but as a kid it’s too much. Some interests require a lot of outside of school research, and some may not; some require a lot of classes, and some may not, it all depends on your interest. There is a lot to do in just four years time. Most teachers recommend notes, I cannot take notes. I like to observer and store my knowledge in my mind, not on paper. I can take notes, but I may get caught up in one note and miss something. Also, I am not very organized. After 1 week of school my backpack may become very messy and disorganized. This is my most worrying thing. Everybody had something to be frightened about in High School and those 3 were what I am worried about. Note taking may be difficult, but I may catch on. And the other 2 will be fine once I understand High School

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