What I Learned When A Group Member Assessed My Communication Skills

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Another group member assessed my communication skills and they feel that the skills I used effectively were: • Maintaining eye contact – I did this as I made sure I always had eye contact with the person who was speaking and if I was the person speaking I would look around the whole group so they all felt involved and not just directly at one person. • Using proximity to show I understood – As it was a group conversation I tried to keep my proximity the same to the others involved in the conversation, this showed that I wanted to be involved and put my ideas in, and it also showed that I wanted to listen to what everybody else had to say, was interested and understood what they were saying. • Reflecting back what they said and using listening skills to understand what they were saying- I did this effectively because if a…show more content…
• Using hand gestures to support what I was saying – I did not use this effectively as I did not use hand gestures at all throughout the conversation, however if I did it would have shown my interest in the conversation and may have engaged the rest of the group in what I was saying by emphasising the point and idea I was putting across to the group. Overall I feel the group conversation went well and was effective. I believe this as we all ensured that turn taking was used effectively and nobody was interrupted or spoken over. We all listened to each other and expanded on each other’s ideas by providing our own situations and experiences from them. We all spoke clearly to ensure that the other members were to understand what we were saying so that the conversation could continue and flow

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