What I Dislike in the 21st Century

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In our modern culture, the 21st century, we can’t imagine living without technology. We’ve become so dependent on our modern day technology that it has consumed us entirely. In previous centuries many people did tasks by hand; nowadays it’s all done digitally or is automated. Our generation relies too much on technology, and they believe that without it life is dull, boring, and too difficult. People nowadays lay back and watch TV or play videogames, and companies encourage us to watch TV or play videogames as often as possible. This is leading our generation to inactivity and an overall unhealthy lifestyle. Kids in our newer generation have become the targets of technology as they are born and raised by it. It’s only natural that they learn to use technology for themselves, and because of that it’s created a continuous cycle. Kids are no longer going outside for entertainment, but rather they stay indoors while they play videogames all day causing them to be unhealthy, obese and having poor overall health. There is becoming less “real” communication between people as they rely on mobile phones to communicate to close family and friends, where as they could just get up and go visit them and have real face-to-face interaction. Modern technology has made us so dependent on it that we feel lost without it, we feel helpless and defeated. Modern technology is creating financial problems as well as technology is updating every day and people believe that they need this “new” technology. In reality it’s just a little upgrade, just look at the iPhone 5 which Apple released in 2012 and take a look at the iPhone 5s which was released in 2013. There is NO difference whatsoever and people are brainwashed into purchasing an expensive new phone when their old phone is perfectly fine and functioning as it is. I believe that technology has provided us with many amazing

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